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Here at PIVOT, we are all about keeping it real and simple–that’s how we roll. So, let’s kick this off by stating that we 100% believe there are cases where using an out-of-the-box, standard Shopify theme is the right move. What are those instances? We’ve laid them out for you below!* But we have a hunch that you already know these things, so let’s get into the reasons you would choose a custom theme.

Custom-ary Advantages

As the saying goes, beauty is more than skin deep–which is true for Shopify themes, too. That is, apart from the obvious advantages of going custom – a gorgeous, bespoke site with all the specific features you need and design elements you delight in – custom themes are also the path to better site performance. But it is not just about the pretty surface; some serious performance magic is happening under the hood (or should we say “under the skin” if we are still using that metaphor?). A custom theme means the site is built to contain only the elements you need, ditching all that extra code and theme fluff you’ll never use. The result? Sleek, clean code that leads to faster load times and site speeds.

Control over your code is vital when adjusting to new business realities or updates. Imagine you start with an out-of-the-box theme perfectly suited for your initial setup. Then, let’s say you suddenly expand to offering multiple subscription tiers with unique features for each–something a standard theme might struggle to accommodate. If your theme can’t handle these custom subscription models seamlessly, you may find yourself in a tight spot, scrambling for a new theme or a complete overhaul. That’s where custom themes give you the flexibility to evolve with your business so you are always ready for whatever comes next.

Relatedly, once you decide to go custom, you give yourself the gift of collaborating with experts – especially if you are teaming up with PIVOT ;). In all seriousness, there are several strong Shopify Plus agencies out there. As one of them – we see time and time again how much our clients value the ability to outsource this critical but often very different set of skills. Even if you have a developer or perhaps a whole dev team, having an agency that lives and breathes Shopify Plus can unlock growth you may not have ever imagined. It also means you aren’t facing total brick walls when trying to build new features – a custom integration that no app can handle or a feature that apps just can’t quite get right. Instead of getting stuck using clunky workarounds or band-aid solutions that fall apart with the slightest change, you have a tailored solution that evolves with your needs.

We’ve touched on how expert devs building custom themes can unlock growth, bringing us to our final point: the ability to scale. With custom themes, you establish the ultimate control over your code and site and ensure the ultimate flexibility. As you scale your business across many vectors (customers, products, revenue, complexity, etc.), your custom theme will be in the best position to adapt to the changing circumstances. Ultimately, a custom theme allow you to be highly iterative – meaning you can continue to layer on (or strip out!) custom code and features as time goes on. So, as your business grows and changes, your site can flex and adapt right along with it.

The Trade-Offs

Great things take time – and often cost money! It likely comes as no surprise that the most common downsides to going the custom theme route are 1) cost and 2) time to build. That said, the range of each of these is quite great, so depending on your needs it’s worth considering an initial custom theme build and scoping out the time and investment it requires. Keep in mind, custom themes are buildable or iterative, so you can start with a more simplified version of your custom theme and layer on functionality as time passes and budget allows. This way, you can get rolling with a solid foundation and build on it as your business grows.

Is there an In-Between?

Glad you asked! There is a reasonable place in the middle between a full-blown custom theme and a standard out-of-the-box theme. This approach would be to use an out-of-the-box theme, but to leverage a developer or agency like PIVOT to tailor it to your specific needs. The nice thing about this is that you can claw back some time and budget while still addressing a few top-priority custom features or UX elements for your site. While there may be some very good reasons to go this path, we counsel new and potential clients to consider the following questions:

  1. Is the top-priority customization truly possible on this path?
  2. How long will it be before your company grows meaningfully and/or require additional customization?
  3. Will you have spent decent time and money on this middle ground solution only to need to build a custom site in 6 months to a year?

If any of these questions give you some heartburn – it’s worth considering a fully custom site to make sure you’re not investing in a solution that’s too short term.

Next Steps

Ultimately, this is not something to fret over. Rather, take some time upfront to establish the general customizations and features you need, and the rough time and budget you have to get them done. Then, reach out to a few agencies like us here at PIVOT to pressure test your assumptions and devise a plan that works for your team and your business – and ultimately, your happy customers!

When you might want to use Out-of-the-Box Shopify Themes

  1. When you need something very basic. With a pre-made theme and your trusty laptop you’ll be able to create a shop by yourself with the user-friendly, drag and drop interface.
  2. When you’re budget constrained. Standard shopify themes are relatively low cost or free.
  3. When you needed it live yesterday. re-made themes allow you to go live very quickly in comparison to custom sites. And they are not without some ability to customize functionality. For example, If you need to add features or capabilities – you can add these via a slew of available Shopify Apps while still avoiding the need for custom code.
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